Google is everywhere – Literally everywhere. When Google bought YouTube almost two weeks ago – it had some people stumped. Why would a multi-BILLION dollar company buy, an amateur site that displays videos that was only 19 months young? With that question came the more important question; WHY for 1.65 Billion dollars? It was just that – an amateur video site, that kids use to upload their silly videos. Ahhh – but you see – that is not where YouTube was heading. More and more professionals were starting to use it. I know I saw advertisements on there. The site was changing. But did it matter? Google wanted it and they made the owners an offer they could not refuse. A 1.65 billion offer.
Well, there is a reason for everything. There is a reason for Google. If you follow the trend of Google, you know that they have come upon fast and furious. You know that once they started – they won’t stop. Yes, they are the number one for search engines. Yes, they have beat out Yahoo, MSN and all other search engines. They are the big kids on the block and no one can come close to the empire that they have built. There is only room for one and that one is Google.
But, what is the ultimate goal for Google? Do they just want to be the top search engine company? My answer to that is an absolute NO.
I actually don’t think that they care about being in number one search engine. What they care about is bigger than that. Google is all about positioning themselves. They have a motive and they are going full steam ahead. Google is like I said, king of search engines. But did you know that Google could be getting strategically positioned to "take over the world"? THAT is what they want – Donna Bogatin from ZDNet clearly watches Google and she asks . “Google: Should we cheer it or fear it?”
Donna asks “Fear Google? Unthinkable to most, but real to many. Why? Google is steadily realizing its unflinching objective to control the world’s content (information) and then use that content of others to its own strategic and profit objectives while determining how it is made available, stored, manipulated, accessed…”
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